
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Juxtapositions: Istanbul

A painting on a museum's elevator doors

Juxtapositions:  Istanbul
by Victoria Challancin

Sometimes I think I live for Juxtapositions.  For Duality.  For Contrasts.  For Differences.  It's why I travel, why I live in Mexico, why I married the man I did.  Juxtapositions...those startling comparisons that jolt you into thought, action, change.  It's true...I live for them.

And where better to process them than in Istanbul, that fabulous city of contrasts? A city of layers, everywhere you look.  Scratch the surface and you will find the remnants of warring civilizations, now finally at peace with themselves and each other as they nestle side by side and peek through the modern layers of this ancient place.  Ottoman Turk, Roman, Greek, Byzantine, Anatolian, Arab, Persian, Central Asian...all at peace with one another.  All leaving their mark, blending in visual poem, a monument to Time.

Do these photos intrigue you?  Come join me on my next tour to Istanbul in May of 2011 and see for yourself.

Contact Information:

Victoria Challancin
Flavors of the Sun Travel
San Miguel de Allende, México

©Victoria Challancin.  All Rights Reserved.

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