
Monday, November 18, 2013

Holiday Pecan Pie Truffles

 Holiday Pecan Pie Truffles on a Moroccan Fossil Plate

Holiday Pecan Pie Truffles
by Victoria Challancin

After a rich, heavy holiday meal of turkey and trimmings, a bite-size sweet is sometimes just enough. Simple. Delicious.  Pretty.  Irresistible.  These Holiday Pecan Pie Truffles come together in a snap. And who doesn't need more recipes for easy-to-make holiday treats in their repertoire?  This is one of those recipes that really delivers at all levels--looks good, tastes good, and is easy to make.  My only complaint is that the recipe doesn't make enough!

I knew I would like these when I first spied them on Oprah's website.  But even after reading the recipe, I didn't fully comprehend just how easy they would be to prepare--so much easier than pecan pie. Made by layering chocolate ganache with a simple pecan filling, these truffles are simple, praise-worthy, and a perfect size for those times when you are just too full of holiday food to manage more.

 The gooey pecan pie filling

Ready to chill
 Cook's Notes:  I made these recently in a class for Mexican cooks.  I gave them the option of brandy, bourbon, or a liqueur.  They chose Bailey's Irish Cream, which worked perfectly!  According to the instructions, it is best to have everything measured and ready before you start cooking so none of the ingredients become too firm.

Recipe:  Holiday Pecan Pie Truffles
(Recipe created by Cheryl Slocum for Oprah)

For the ganache:
1/4 pound bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons heavy cream

For the filling:
3/4 cup finely chopped pecans
1/4 cup light corn syrup
1/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
Pinch of salt
2 tablespoons heavy cream
2 tablespoons bourbon, whiskey, or brandy
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
12 pecan halves

To make the ganache:
Line a 12-cup mini-muffin tin with mini baking cups;  set aside.  Place chocolate in a medium bowl.  Bring the 1/2 cup and 2 tablespoons cream to a boil in a small saucepan, and immediately pour over the chocolate.  Let mixture sit for 1 minute before stirring with a whisk to melt chocolate and form a smooth ganache.  Avoid stirring too vigorously.  Fill each muffin cup with 2 teaspoons ganache, and tap the tin gently to allow chocolate to spread.  Set remaining ganache aside in a warm place (on top of the stove) until ready to use.  Chill tin in freezer until firm, about 15 minutes.

To make the filling:
Meanwhile, bring chopped pecans, corn syrup, sugar, butter, salt and 2 tablespoons cream to a boil in a medium pan over medium heat; boil 5 minutes.  Remove from heat and stir in bourbon or whisky and vanilla.  Let cool slightly before spooning 2 teaspoons of mixture into each muffin cup, followed by 1 teaspoon of remaining ganache.  Garnish each with 1 pecan half. Chill in refrigerator until set (about 1 hour), then serve.  Store in refrigerator for up to 5 days.

 With the little bit of leftover filling, I made balls and rolled them in unsweetened cocoa for another version of truffles--equally good!

 Holiday Pecan Pie Truffles on a Moroccan Fossil Plate

Would you like your own Moroccan fossil plate???

For more information about my 2014 Moroccan and Paris trips, email me at

Parting Shot:

©Victoria Challancin.  All Rights Reserved.

Please ask permission before using text or photos.  Thanks!


  1. They sound great Vicki...I love pecan pie so I know I would enjoy these little goodies.

  2. Elegant and easy! I would love to have the fossil plate!

  3. Thank you Karen and Lynne. And Lynne, I know what you mean about the fossil plate. Every time I visit the factory in Morocco, I drool at the many items that are far to heavy to bring home!

  4. [smiling] Have never made truffles in my life but methinks friends would just love these for Yule visits or gifts: so thank you for a luscious recipe. I too love the plate and I love you adding information regarding your Paris/Morocco touring ~ altho' next year is not a touring one for me, perchance the year after :) ! A wonderful chance to meet you also!!

  5. So happy you liked the recipe. It truly is tasty and easy to make. What fun it would be to journey with you--we'll cross fingers for the next year!

  6. I'm all for easy recipes especially around this time of the year when it is so busy! I should try and give these a go :D

  7. Lorraine, if these came together quickly, they disappeared even faster. As I said...the only problem with them is that the recipe made so few!

  8. I love all those flowers in your parting shot - very beautiful. Your truffles are gorgeous and I love how glossy the ganache is. I can see these making excellent hostess gifts in the coming weeks and it would be handy to save some for my own dinner parties too xx

  9. Perfect holiday treats. Easy to make sweet , nutty and plus they look great. You still have your thanksgiving turkey in Mexico?

  10. Thank you Charlie and Alessandra. Do make them--they are a perfect little nibble for a gathering!

    And Tania--Thank you as well. You asked about turkeys in Mexico...When I first came 26 years ago, we had to buy live turkeys and have them killed (yikes!--too real). Now we can get frozen turkeys or even fresh Butterball turkeys from the states. Imagine that!

  11. Oh my, Victoria, these will upstage the pumpkin pie. Who could resist? Plus, they are tiny so I can have 2-3, right? :-)

  12. You can have four, Susan! Happy Thanksgiving!
