
Friday, October 8, 2010

Part II: What Does One Eat in Paris? Les Snacks...

Part II:  What Does One Eat in Paris?
Les Snacks...
by Victoria Challancin

Lest you begin to think that every meal in Paris involves multiple courses and wine, there are always quick snack options--or at least lighter fare.

Shwarma anyone?  Fresh, cheap, portable...

Crepes?  Sweet or savory, eat at table or take away
The remnants of a paper-thin Breton-style crêpe, or gallete, made of buckwheat flour, stuffed with Gruyère cheese:  Galette au Fromage (Note:  My son, who studied his last year of high school in Brittany in France, still eats these for breakfast!)

Slightly more upscale than the street versions, this croque monsieur shows what the French can do with a simple grilled ham and cheese sandwich  (Hint:  Use good-quality Emmental or Gruyère cheese)

Not only did I have the opportunity to practice my Arabic, I was also able to enjoy some classic Levantine food in a favorite street market

Freshly-made pita bread drenched with olive oil and za'atar spice blend--cooking on a domed grill (check out an older post on Sumac and Za'atar here)  Yum...

Affordable fallafel in Paris?  You bet!  And this deserves it's own post...coming soon!

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