
Tours 2017 - 2018

Flavors of the Sun Travel
Those of you that regularly read my blog know that I lead small-group trips all over the world.  While these are not culinary journeys per se, there is always a focus on food when you journey with me.  My groups are always 10 or fewer people--very personal, very flexible.  I have lived all over the world (Paris, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, London, and now over 29 years in Mexico) and my  goal is to try to share the best of each culture I visit so that you have a trip of a lifetime!  

If you would like to be placed on my Trip Mailing List or would like more information on any of the trips listed below, please contact me at

Scheduled trips for 2017 are:

Morocco:  April 19 - May 4  

                                           October:  4 - 19  (There is one opening for this tour)

Scheduled trips for 2018:

Morocco:  April 28  -May 13
            October 3 - 18

Other trips to be announced

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